A swan flying in the sky with its wings spread.
A swan flying in the sky with its wings spread.


The Pacific Northwest's Most Beautiful Birds

Report A Swan

Share Your Sightings. Contribute to Citizen Science.

Preserving Habitat

Waterfowl Friendly Farming, Wetlands and More

Education and Outreach

General Public, Schools, Organizations, Public Agencies, and...

Northwest Swan Conservation Association is dedicated to the stewardship and conservation of wild Trumpeter and Tundra Swans in the Pacific Northwest and in the Pacific Flyway.

What We Do

Local organization dedicated to the stewardship and conservation of our native swans.

Learn About Swans

Efforts to conserve swans: agricultural and wetland habitat conservation, education, outreach, scientific study and more.

Where to Watch

Washington State, both East and West of the Cascade Mountains

Swan and Goose Identification

Download a free Swan and Goose Identification Brochure

A black and white image of swans with text
Two birds flying over a body of water.

Support Our Washington Swans

Keep Them Gracing Our Skies and Wetlands

Supporting swan conservation has never been easier. When you shop at Fred Meyer you automatically support Northwest Swan Conservation Association at no cost to you.