Stewardship and conservation of Trumpeter and Tundra swans and their habitats.
The Northwest Swan Conservation Association is committed to the conservation of our native swans, both Trumpeter and Tundra, in Washington State and around the northwest region. As the challenges facing swans shifted here in Washington, a locally based organization was established in 2015 to serve the needs of the swans and people in Washington. Our focus includes both Trumpeter and Tundra Swans as they often occur together on the wintering grounds sharing the same habitats and have similar conservation needs and concerns. We also recognize that the needs of swans vary depending on which side of the Cascade Mountain range the swans are located and the time of year they are there.
We are accomplishing our mission through education, outreach, and “on the ground” conservation work. We are active throughout the entire state of Washington, although the needs of swans vary depending on which side of the Cascade Mountain range the swans are located and the time of year. As a locally based group this allows us to build strong local and regional partnerships that become more effective to meet the ongoing challenges that face these magnificent birds.

Executive Director
Martha Jordan is the founder and Executive Director of the NWSCA. She received her wildlife science degree from Oregon State University, Corvallis. Her interest in swans began in the late 1970s while working with collared snow geese in the Skagit Valley near Mt. Vernon, Washington. Martha has been a major contributor to state and federal agencies, documenting the status of Trumpeter Swans in the state of Washington, helping to protect key habitats and reduce mortality from lead poisoning and powerline collisions, and helping in development of the first Washington State section of the Pacific Flyway Trumpeter Swan Management Plan.
In the early 1980s she established the Washington Swan Working Group (later known as the Washington Swan Stewards), affiliated with The Trumpeter Swan Society. She chaired this group from its’ beginning until 2015 when she founded Northwest Swan Conservation Association. Martha served as a Board member of The Trumpeter Swan Society from 1985-2009. She left TTSS in 2015 to found NWSCA and brings her many decades of expertise to build strong partnerships that will promote the welfare and vitality of both Trumpeter and Tundra swans in Washington and throughout the northwest region.
Board of Directors

Paul Fischbach

Daniel Poleschook
Vice President

Ann Stickney
What We Do

Habitat Conservation
We promote the scientific study of swans and their habitats, including winter swan surveys.
Conservation of agricultural lands and wetlands that support swans and other water birds.

Educational Programs
We provide educational programs to the general public, schools, and other organizations.

Get the Lead Out
Leader in “Get the Lead Out” campaign related to the lethal ingestion of lead shot by swans and other birds.

We collaborate with local/state/federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, private citizens, land owners, farmers and others with an interest in swans.

Foster to Freedom
Note: This is a past collaborative effort. Trumpeter Swans in the Interior Population (mid-west states) are now restored and this population is doing well!
Foster To Freedom Program: We worked primarily with Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and their program to restore Trumpeter Swans to the wild through collaboration with Northwest Trek Zoological Park in Washington State, and private donors, by caring for these captive reared Trumpeter Swan cygnets. The cygnets were sent primarily to Iowa DNR to eventually be released to the wild, fly free, and eventually breed and contribute to the Interior Population restoration.