Events and Volunteer Opportunities
Swans and Snow Geese Winter Presentation Events

Swans and Snow Geese of Washington’s Winter
Presentation for Eastside Audubon in Redmond, WA
Evening program at their regular membership meeting.
May also be available live online.
See their website for more details:
January 23, 2025

Stanwood Snow Goose Festival
NWSCA will have a booth and give a presentation at this annual event in Stanwood, WA. Come and learn more about the birds in this area and enjoy many booths and some good salmon chowder.
February 22, 2025

Swans and Snow Geese of Washington’s Winter With a Focus on Eastern Washington
Presentation at the Sandhill Crane Festival in Othello, WA (eastside of WA state)
This is an amazing festival with many presenters and field trips.
For information on the SCF and to register: ;;
March 22, 2025
Volunteer Opportunities
Mid-Winter Swan Survey in northwest Washington
COMPLETED for 2025 we will have a need again in 2026
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife conducts this survey every year in Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish and King counties. It is an important survey to better understand the swan use in the core wintering area for Trumpeter Swans and some Tundra Swans.
NOTE: This year, volunteers are needed to help with the survey in all four counties.
Northwest Swan Conservation Association is leading this volunteer coordination for the
2025 Mid-winter Swan Surveys in cooperation with WDFW.
This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about swans and contribute to better understanding swan habitat needs and management.
WHEN: January 13-17, 2025 The schedule will likely be: (weather dependent)
Whatcom County Mon Jan 13th
Skagit County Tues Jan 14th
Snohomish County Wed Jan 15th
King County Thurs Jan 16th
The surveys are conducted rain or shine. Delays may happen if it snows or is icy.
HOW ARE THE SURVEYS DONE: The surveys are conducted in areas of known swan use in each county. The survey consists of driving around your assigned area and locating all the swans in your given area. You enter the data on the map and forms we provide. It is a great way to learn more about swans and their habitats, and see other birds as well.
1.While this is an official survey with a defined area for each observer, we want it to be an enjoyable experience.
2. You need to be able to tell a Trumpeter Swan from a Tundra Swan.
Not sure you know how: A swan identification course is provided to all volunteers as well as written materials to help you more confidently identify the swans in the field. We know that identification of every swan is not possible, even for seasoned swan watchers.
3. How much time will the survey require? Usually, each area will take about 3-4 hours to complete. Each county is surveyed on a separate day, with multiple volunteers in the field at one time. This helps avoid counting swans that may move around the area.
4. You must have binoculars AND a spotting scope. If you do not have a spotting scope, we likely can loan you one for the count day.
To sign up or for more information please contact us at:
Martha Jordan, coordinator
[email protected] or call (206) 713-3684