Our programs and initiatives are dedicated to the preservation and protection of the Trumpeter and Tundra swans. Use this page to get more information on where to watch the swans, identifying them, and other helpful resources.

Swan Identification Resources
Many websites contain information on swan identification. Rather than rework that information here, we recommend that you visit the sites listed below to learn more about swan ID, including their calls, as well as species that may look similar such as snow geese and white pelicans.
When you finish with your experience there please come back to nwswans.org and try your skills with the swan ID photo gallery. The gallery is set up for you to practice honing your skills on identifying both Tundra and Trumpeter Swans and especially in distinguishing between the two species where they occur together.
The answers are provided at the end in Answers.
Download Resources
Download Swan ID Brochure
Read an Article About the Rare Color Variations of the Trumpeter Swan
Swan Identification Practice

Photo 1: two Swans, who is who?

Photo 2: who do we have here?

Photo 3: which Swans are these?

Photo 4: this mid-november family is just coming into the wintering area. Are they Trumpeter or Tundra Swans?

Photo 5: which Swans are enjoying the winter wheat grass?

Photo 6: flying Swans are often a challenge to identify. These Swans have all the clues you will need. What age are they (adult or juvenile)?

Photo 7: typical scene in the skagit valley corn fields in january. Can you spot the odd Swan out and what else?
An Online Test for Those Who Want Additional Skill Building Experience
The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has an online Swan Hunter Orientation Course. While this test is designed to assist hunters in identifying swans in Utah, much of the information is useful for other areas of the country and birders.
Try it out, you do not have to give any personal information, just skip over the login and other stuff and go directly to the test. You do have to set up a sign in. They will not share your information or send you anything. It is a good test for skill building.
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By supporting NWSCA you are helping us to protect and advocate for swans and their habitats. Help keep Trumpeter and Tundra swans gracing our skies and wetlands.